
My BIG week-end !

 Hey everyone ! My week-end was very very charged, so this article will also be it. First, I received a command : 3 Nail polish, a set of 7 brush ( for make-up ) and a set for manicure. You can see all on the photo above. :)

 Here are my 3 Nail polish : A white and a pink for the French manicure, and a shimmering black who's so pretty ! ♥

 My manicure set with two cup-nail, one pushes cuticle, one it of scissors and a file. It's very practic because it's very small so you can take it everywhere.

 My set of seven brush ! You have all you need here. ☺
I bought a t-shirt, a pullover, a hat and a necklace. The neckace look like a caroussel ! It's so cute ♥

 Me with my hat and my pullover ( PINK, so pretty ♥ )

 The same thing, but more near. :)

 Now, the t-shirt and the neacklace. ☺

 My neacklace : I LOVE IT ♥ ♥
I also had a good time making a party making-up, as you can see !

My very very made up eye  ( With glitters ! ♥ )

Again, but with my closed eye ☺


Just a photo I like for the fun ! :) ♥
I personified my phone with spangles, it's so pretty !

 From too close distance .

So now, I'm finished ! Hope you liked my week-end's pictures ☺

xoxo ♥,


Polairoid Camera : So vintage ♫

Today, I've found an old polaroid camera ! I was so happy ☺
This is Kodak EK2 polaroid camera, it's ENORMOUS and heavy !

As you can see, it's really Big !

Just the camera ☺

I'll search for a film for this camera because I want to try it ! The flash is so strange .
Hope I'll found it.

xoxo ♥,


My new friends ! ♥

Today, I've bought two cute fuzz ! A lemur, and a panda ♥
They cost me 8€ each. It's too expansive, but I fell loving to them ! They are soooo adorable.

So, they are here ! They was expansive, but it's worth it . ☺

Me with the Lemur ♥

And with the panda ! ♥

I've done an Alice in Wonderland  bottle. Now, it's on my room for the decoration ! ♪
I've taken a little bottle, a rubbon, and a piece of paper where I've wrotten : " Drink Me ".
It's simple, isn't it ? ♥

Another angle. ♫

xoxo ♥,

My degus ♥

Hey everyone ! ♫

I'll show you my three degus : Nova, Dexter and Comète ! I loooove them, they are so adorable. ♥

Here, this is Comète ! She is 1, so she's a young degus. She's adorable with everybody, and everybody say she's cute ! ♥ And I can say you it's thruth ! But what she loves by top everything is... FOOD ! ( And her wheel, too :D ) When she see her food, she becomes crazy !

Here, it's Nova. She's a young degus too, because she's 1.She is very calm, but she loves doing wheel, like Comète.She does strange cute squeaks when she eat. She is the sister of Comète, but they don't live together because Comète always wants to dominate the others, and she fights with them .

Here, you can see Dexter ! You have to ask you : Why this name ? Just because my favorite classify on the TV is Dexter, it's very popular in France ! ☺
Dexter is sensible to be a male, but I realized she was a female this Summer. She's 1, like Nova and Comète.
She is the wildest of my degus, I'm the only one to be able to approach her. ♥

xoxo ♥,