Hey everyone ! My week-end was very very charged, so this article will also be it. First, I received a command : 3 Nail polish, a set of 7 brush ( for make-up ) and a set for manicure. You can see all on the photo above. :)
Here are my 3 Nail polish : A white and a pink for the French manicure, and a shimmering black who's so pretty ! ♥
My manicure set with two cup-nail, one pushes cuticle, one it of scissors and a file. It's very practic because it's very small so you can take it everywhere.
My set of seven brush ! You have all you need here. ☺
I bought a t-shirt, a pullover, a hat and a necklace. The neckace look like a caroussel ! It's so cute ♥
Me with my hat and my pullover ( PINK, so pretty ♥ )
The same thing, but more near. :)
Now, the t-shirt and the neacklace. ☺
My neacklace : I LOVE IT ♥ ♥
I also had a good time making a party making-up, as you can see !
My very very made up eye ( With glitters ! ♥ )
Again, but with my closed eye ☺
Just a photo I like for the fun ! :) ♥
I personified my phone with spangles, it's so pretty !
From too close distance .
So now, I'm finished ! Hope you liked my week-end's pictures ☺
xoxo ♥,