Today, I've created my blog !
I will just chatting about my daily life, and I hope you will like it ! ☺
First, who am I ? My name is Mathilde and I'm French. I love Animals, Photography, Fashion, Japan and a lot of other things . ♪
I'm in a college, and I learn English, and Spanish.
My two favorite countries are frist : JAPAN ♥, And in the second position : England !
I've a little of Asian origins ( to Mongolia ) and I'd like to be Japanese, because I think it's a beautiful and captivating country !
Now, and here, it's 3.15 P.M !
I'm in a college, and I learn English, and Spanish.
My two favorite countries are frist : JAPAN ♥, And in the second position : England !
I've a little of Asian origins ( to Mongolia ) and I'd like to be Japanese, because I think it's a beautiful and captivating country !
Now, and here, it's 3.15 P.M !
Here, It's me !
xoxo ♥,
xoxo ♥,
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